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  • Graphitization Behaviors of Creep-ruptured 0.3% Carbon

    microstructure of 0.3% carbon steel creep ruptured for up to 232983.5 h at 673–773 K, with a focus on graphitiza - tion behavior. 2. Experimental Procedure The sample material is a 0.3C silicon-killed steel plate.12) The steel plate was hot rolled, normalized at 1 183 K for 5 h (air cooling), and tempered at 898 K for 5 h (furnace cooling).

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  • Creep Resistance and Structure of 10% Cr–3% Сo–2% W–0

    2024.2.8  Abstract The creep resistance and structure of 10% Cr–3% Сo–2% W–0.29% Cu–0.17% Re steel with 0.1% carbon, low nitrogen content and high boron content were investigated by creep rupture testing at a temperature of 650°C and stresses from 200 to 100 MPa applied in 20-MPa increments. For comparison, 9% Cr steel with

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  • Insights into creep behavior of Mg–14Gd–1Zn–0.4Zr (wt.%)

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