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  • Efficient Extraction of Manganese from Low-Grade Pyrolusite

    2018.7.11  Pyrolusite is stable under acidic or alkaline conditions, but manganese can be extracted by acid under reducing conditions due to the formation of acid-soluble manganese oxides. 20 Generally, extracting manganese from pyrolusite includes pyrometallurgical reduction roasting and hydrometallurgical reduction leaching. 21,22

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  • Pyrolusite (prl/polianite) SpringerLink

    2023.7.13  Abstract. This chapter describes the important manganese ore Pyrolusite (abbrv. prl ), as seen with optical, reflected light microscopy. After summing up compositional data, main properties and optical parameters, the presentation follows a systematic scheme to facilitate consultation and comparison with other ores.

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  • Precise regulation of the phase transformation for pyrolusite

    2024.1.26  Thermodynamic calculations, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and X-ray diffractometry analyses determined that the phase transformation of pyrolusite followed the order of MnO 2 →Mn 2 O 3 →Mn 3 O 4 →MnO phase by phase, and the reduction of manganese oxides in each valence state proceeded simultaneously.

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  • Bioleaching of manganese from a low-grade pyrolusite ore

    2021.5.1  Highlights. •. Bioleaching of Mn from low-grade Mn ores is effective, economic and ecofriendly. •. Redoxolysis mechanism of organic acids plays a key-role in Mn solubilization. •. Maximum recovery of 80% Mn was achieved after 30 days bioleaching. •. The optimum condition for Mn recovery: two-step method and glucose medium. •.

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  • Pyrolusite: An alternative oxygen carrier for chemical looping ...

    2016.12.1  Pyrolusite: An alternative oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion. PatricePerreaulta, SébastienRifflartb, ElizabethNguyena, Gregory-S.Patiencea. Show more. Add to Mendeley. doi/10.1016/j.fuel.2016.08.033Get rights and content. Highlights. •. 16 minerals were tested as alternative to synthetic nickel oxide and ilmenite. •.

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  • Pyrolusite - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

    Production and sources of exposure. Manganese ores, chiefly pyrolusite (MnO2 ), are mined mainly in South Africa but there are smaller deposits in Australia, China, Brazil, India, Ukraine and some African and Asian states. Almost all manganese is used, for its anti-corrosion properties, in iron or aluminium alloys.

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  • Precise regulation of the phase transformation for pyrolusite

    2023.3.4  The mechanism involved in the phase transformation process of pyrolusite (MnO 2) during roasting in a reducing atmosphere was systematically elucidated in this study, with the aim of effectively...

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  • Hydrogen-based mineral phase transformation mechanism

    2023.10.3  This study investigated the generation mechanism of manganosite from the viewpoint of reduction kinetics, phase transformation and structural evolution of pyrolusite, indicating that the high...

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  • Application of Machine Learning in a Mineral

    Chen et al. used pyrite as a reducing agent to leaching pyrolusite under microwave conditions, and the leaching rate reached 93.03%. Lan et al. applied bioleaching pyrolusite, which proved that the leaching rate can

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  • Pyrolusite Mineral Data

    Physical Properties of Pyrolusite : Cleavage: {110} Perfect : Color: Steel gray, Iron gray, Bluish gray. Density: 4.4 - 5.06, Average = 4.73 : Diaphaneity: Opaque ... 5 - Ecole des Mines de Paris 6 - GeoScienceWorld 7 - Glendale Community College 8 - Google Images 9 - Google Scholar 10 - Handbook of Mineralogy (MinSocAm)

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  • Determination of manganese dioxide in pyrolusite by

    Determination of manganese dioxide in pyrolusite by iodometric method. C. Ming. Published 2012. Chemistry. Uranium Mining and Metallurgy. Under the conditions of mixed acid medium (sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid) and excess potassium iodide,manganese dioxide in pyrolusite reacted with potassium iodide,quantitative iodine was

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  • Application of Machine Learning in a Mineral

    In this study, several machine learning models were used to analyze the process variables of electric-field-enhanced pyrolusite leaching and predict the leaching rate of manganese, and the applicability of those models in

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  • Pyrolusite - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

    Volume 6. Johanna Feary, Paul Cullinan, in Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine(Second Edition), 2022. Manganese Production and sources of exposure. Manganese ores, chiefly pyrolusite (MnO 2), are mined mainly in South Africa but there are smaller deposits in Australia, China, Brazil, India, Ukraine and some African and Asian states.Almost all

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  • Pierre Pyrolusite - Vertus des pierres - France Minéraux

    Origine et composition de la pierre pyrolusite. La Pierre Pyrolusite, appartenant à la catégorie des minéraux d’oxyde, est principalement composée de dioxyde de manganèse (MnO₂). Elle se forme généralement dans les dépôts hydrothermaux et les gisements de minerai de manganèse et peut être de tailles et de dimensions variables.

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  • A novel Iodo-Potentiometric method for estimation of

    Request PDF On Sep 29, 2011, T. Jeevananda published A novel Iodo-Potentiometric method for estimation of percentage of MnO2 in Pyrolusite Find, read and cite all the research you need on ...

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  • Pyrolusite: Signification, propriétés, vertus, pouvoirs,

    Elle aide à lutter contre les signes de vieillissement et à revigorer la peau, en laissant une sensation de fraîcheur et un éclat visiblement amélioré. Les masques faciaux enrichis de Pyrolusite, par exemple, peuvent aider à détoxifier la peau et à réduire les impuretés, en offrant un teint plus clair et uniforme.

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  • détermination du degré chlorométrique d`une eau de javel.

    Préparation TP « exemple de titrage indirect » : détermination du degré chlorométrique d’une eau de javel. Document : d’après Chimie dans la maison - Cultures et Techniques - IUFM Nantes – extraits - (pages 411 à 414) L’eau de Javel est une solution aqueuse d'hypochlorite de sodium et de chlorure de potassium ou de sodium, utilisée comme

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  • Pyrolusite - Géowiki

    Pyrolusite. du grec pyros = feu et lusios, laver, car elle était utilisée pour décolorer les verres. Localité type inconnue. IV OXYDES. Groupe d'appartenance : Rutile. La pyrolusite (quadratique), l'akhtenskite (hexagonale), et la ramsdellite (orthorhombique), sont les trimorphes de Mn 4+ O 2.

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  • Pyrolusite - MnO2 - ScienceDirect

    1975.1.1  Comportement semiconducteur de bioxydes de manganèse additionnés d'ions étrangers en function de la fréquence utilisée. Compt. Rend. (1959) DAS J.N. Study of the semiconducting properties of pyrolusite ... Studies of the manganese oxides. V. Ramsdellite MnO 2, an ortho-rhombic dimorph of pyrolusite. Amer. Mineral. (1962) There

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  • Pyrolusite Manganese Ore, Ore Deposits,

    pyrolusite, common manganese mineral, manganese dioxide (MnO 2), that constitutes an important ore.Always formed under highly oxidizing conditions, it forms light-gray to black, metallic, moderately heavy

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  • Fe (II) reduction of pyrolusite (β-MnO2) and secondary

    2017.12.5  Kinetics of Fe (II) loss from (open markers) and Mn appearance into (closed markers) the aqueous phase. Triangles (Δ) indicate data for the initial suspension of pyrolusite in Fe (II), circles ( ) and squares ( ) indicate second and third resuspensions, respectively. Initial Fe (II) concentrations for this series of experiments were 2.4 mM.

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  • Microwave-enhanced reduction of manganese from a low-grade pyrolusite ...

    2022.4.4  The inefficient leaching of manganese is the main factor hindering the commercialization of the reduction process during manganese recovery using pyrite as the reducing agent. Hence, a new method for improving recovery efficiency and reducing the cost is required. This study uses microwave heating as a strengthening method to extract

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  • Manganese Extraction from Low-Grade Pyrolusite by Roasting with H

    2018.7.11  A new method was studied for extracting manganese from low-grade pyrolusite with H2SO4 roasting and subsequent water leaching. The mechanism of roasting and optimal conditions for roasting, including the amounts of H2SO4 and H2O addition and the roasting temperature and time, were discussed. The results indicated that the

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  • The Determination of Available Oxygen in Pyrolusite.

    The Determination of Available Oxygen in Pyrolusite. O. Barnebey. Published 1 October 1917. Chemistry, Engineering. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. View via Publisher. Save to Library. Create Alert. Cite.

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  • XPS determination of Mn oxidation states in Mn (hydr)oxides

    2016.3.15  XPS of pyrolusite (MnO 2) showed signs of minor reduction and the sample was, therefore, exposed to UV-ozone for 10 min. Fitting with the Mn(III)2p 3/2 MnOOH standard parameters yielded ∼10% Mn(III) (originally around 20%). However, the derived Mn(IV) parameters from pyrolusite yielded poor fits to the Mn2p 3/2 birnessite

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  • Removal of organic compounds by adsorption on pyrolusite

    1997.5.1  Abstract. This paper deals with the determination of the adsorption capacities of various organic compounds in water suspension on MnO 2 pyrolusite which can be present in the natural environment and in potabilisation treatment. The adsorption was linearised according to Langmuir and Freundlich models. Humic acids were

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  • Preparation of manganese dioxide from low-grade pyrolusite

    2019.12.1  The schematic diagram of the preparation procedure of MnO 2 from low-grade pyrolusite is presented in Scheme 1.First, water, sulfuric acid and the pyrolusite sample were mixed and then roasted under the following conditions: H 2 O to H 2 SO 4 volume ratio of 0.2:1, H 2 SO 4 to pyrolusite mass ratio of 2:1, roasting time of 4 h and

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  • Bioleaching of manganese from a low-grade pyrolusite ore

    2021.5.1  Since the kinetic aspects of the fungal bioleaching of low-grade pyrolusite have not been studied yet, the mechanisms of the rate controlling of manganese dissolution were investigated through the principles of the shrinking core model (SCM). 2. Materials and method2.1. Sample preparation. Low-grade pyrolusite ore was supplied by the Venarch ...

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  • Filtre d’élimination de fer et manganèse avec pyrolusite

    Filtre automatique d’élimination du fer et manganèse de l’eau à travers une charge de silex de différentes granulométries et pyrolusite (MnO2). En présence d’oxygène dissous, la pyrolusite a une forte action catalytique solide d’oxydation sur le Fe et Mn, qui précipitent et sont donc piégés dans le lit filtrant. Ils sont ensuite éliminés par lavage a contre-courant.

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  • Determination of Manganese in Pyrolusite by ... - Semantic

    The main component of pyrolusite was MnO2,the core sample was firstly dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid,and then the solution was heated to remove the excess hydrochloric acid after adding sulphuric acid.With silver nitrate as catalyst,Mn(Ⅱ) was oxidized into Mn(Ⅶ) by ammonium persulfate after adding phosphoric acid,and finally

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  • (PDF) Fe(II) reduction of pyrolusite (β-MnO2) and

    2017.12.5  Here, we characterized the reaction of aqueous Fe(II) with pyrolusite (β-MnO2) using electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, aqueous Fe and Mn analyses, and ⁵⁷Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy.

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  • Pyrolusite — Wikipédia

    2024.5.5  Description. Pyrolusite aciculaire. Il s'agit d'un minéral noir, amorphe présentant souvent une structure granulaire, fibreuse ou en colonne. Il a un éclat métallique, une teinte noir ou noir bleuté, et salit les doigts. Sa densité relative est de 4,8.

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  • An efficient and clean method for the selective

    2023.11.1  A schematic diagram of the roasting experimental apparatus is shown in Fig. 2 a.The experimental procedure was as follows: 10 g of pyrolusite sample and ammonium sulfate (Analytically pure reagents are not pre-treated in any way before use) were mixed in a mortar according to a certain mass ratio, the mixed sample was placed

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  • Determination of the percentage of MnO2 IN pyrolusite?

    2022.10.31  The %w/w MnO2 in the sample is 29.41%.Keywords: pyrolusite; manganese dioxide; titration;sample;determination;accuracy;precision;confidence interval.1 IntroductionThe important component of pyrolusite is manganese dioxide[1]. A sample of pyrolusite was taken from a mine at Heshang area in Guangxi province, which

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  • Pyrolusite: Meaning, Properties, Benefits You Should Know

    Natural Pyrolusite: Exhibiting a gray-black hue with a metallic shimmer, its primary use is grounding and safeguarding, often associated with augmenting bravery and determination. Polianite: Distinguished by its black, dense, and frequently substantial structure, it is renowned for its capacity to create balance and aid in diminishing worry and ...

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  • Precise regulation of the phase transformation for pyrolusite

    2023.3.4  The mechanism involved in the phase transformation process of pyrolusite (MnO 2 ) during roasting in a reducing atmosphere was systematically elucidated in this study, with the aim of effectively using low-grade complex manganese ore resources. According to single-factor experiment results, the roasted product with a divalent

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  • Déferrisation Démanganisation - ADH2OC INDUSTRIAL

    Déferrisation et démanganisation : De nombreuses méthodes existent pour le traitement du Fer et du Manganèse. Ici, 4 méthodes sont présentées. ... LA PYROLUSITE. La pyrolusite est un minéral naturel contenant 80% de dioxyde de manganèse : son pouvoir catalytique du fer et du manganèse surpasse les produits traditionnels tels que le ...

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  • Hydrogen-based mineral phase transformation mechanism

    2023.10.3  Pyrolusite comprise as the foremost manganese oxides and a major source of manganese production. Application of an innovative hydrogen-based mineral phase transformation technology to pyrolusite is proposed, where 96.44% distribution rate of divalent manganese(Mn 2+ ) at an optimum roasting temperature of 650 °C, a roasting

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